Fiver tex Apple kiwi Flavor | Products | B Bazar | A Big Online Market Place and Reseller Platform in Bangladesh

Fiver tex Apple kiwi Flavor | Products | B Bazar | A Big Online Market Place and Reseller Platform in Bangladesh

<p>Phosphorus Detox Supplement, Apple Flavor<br /> The science and art of living life with the balance of life. That everyone wishes<br /> apple juice Fiver Tex detox supplements Detox the intestines Apple scent (10 sachets)</p> <p>&#39;Constipation&#39;, a heavy problem in the stomach that can&#39;t tell anyone</p> <p>Are you like them?</p> <p>✔&nbsp;Not taking photos in the morning, in the morning, in the evening.<br /> ✔&nbsp;The excretion is like a nightmare!<br /> ✔&nbsp;Sometimes I don&#39;t shoot at all for 5-7 days!<br /> ✔&nbsp;You have to exert a lot of effort when taking &#39;Tired!&#39;<br /> ✔&nbsp;Feeling that you are &#39;pregnant&#39; and you can&#39;t reduce it.<br /> ✔&nbsp;Body odor - Bad breath comes from nowhere and cannot be cured.<br /> ✔&nbsp;Fart smells stronger than common people.<br /> ✔&nbsp;Take a supplement and feel the body is not absorbed.</p>